10 Part Series - What we have learned about optimizing the sales team

The CEVOH 10 Sales / BD Multipliers

Multiplier No. 1 – Sell the Sellers First

How dedicated is your sales team? It’s a positive and quick answer for most in leadership roles. We did a  survey once with three separate companies (different industries) and found that 60% of reps were actively working a plan B. This could mean a future career change, additional moonlight gigs, and even a second job. We found reps that owned businesses, had a franchise, on-call ministers, insurance sales positions, etc. The CEOs and leadership of these three firms were shocked. Without passing any judgement, we simply reminded all that sales people are generally hired because of their extraordinary ‘enterprising’ nature. They are driven, curious, creative and have exceptional people skills. For this reason, the sales growth initiatives we suggest are always mindful of this. And, we approach things with a “sell the sellers” first point of view. If you and we can win the hearts of the reps, you will likely win the hearts of the customers too.

So how do you do this?

Here are five ideas that you might consider when selling the sellers first… Call us, we have more after these!

  1. Don’t forget that a reps favorite radio station is WII-FM. The Wiifm. “what’s in it for me”. So basic, and yet so often forgotten. It’s also fair to remind – the WII-FM may be a little different for each person. Reward, Praise, Recognition, Peace and Tranquility, etc. Because this WII-FM thing is a major variable, asking often is recommended.

  2. Create a Unique Selling Proposition or USP. This is an elevator speech that is full of the right discriminators. These elements combine to form a quick story of why a customer would care to do business with you. Get the ducks in a row here, because if the USP is not authentic, the sellers will not pick up what you’re setting down.

  3. Be authentic in marketing and operations. For many, this goes without saying. But for some it’s hard. A good rule for business is to try and pass this simple test. SWYD-DWYS. “say what you do - do what you say”. When marketing and operations follow this rule, the sales team will always get interested.

  4. Don’t send mixed messages to the sales team. We often find that reps hear both these messages often: “please share your best practices with your teammates”, and “remember, only the top 10% will go on the incentive trip”. How can these two statements live together? You know the answer.

  5. Show, don’t lecture. So many times a product manager comes to a sales training and lectures about how things should go… Instead, partner product and sales together and do a realistic role play – the kind that has real objections. The reps will appreciate the effort, and quickly tell you what you did wrong. And, they will also begin to ‘own it’ more quickly, making improvements to what you bring.

Hope these ideas were helpful. Call us or reach out – we are ready to help you Sell the Sellers.



John KleinComment