From our experience with best practice companies, substantial incremental revenue is generated from effective innovation.
Why should you want “Innovation Jumpstarts” from CEvoh?
Our proven methods generate more viable ideas
CAGR gaps can be offset with innovative revenue jumpstarts
Best practice companies generate 55% of incremental revenue from new ideas
The CEVOH innovation roadmap makes it easy to get started and to sustain incremental revenue
Innovation Jumpstarts include “CEVOH SCANS” which clarify customer value needs and competitor weakness
Our “Tempered Concepts” approach expedites ideas to market
CEVOH Innovation Jumpstarts help you create a “Culture of Innovation” within your organization
Call us or text us. We can set up a short meeting to share our approach on innovation to jumpstart your new product development and grow incremental revenue. Take a moment to review the slides below.
Six steps in the cevoh Innovation roadmap:
These are the six proven best practices from those companies deriving substantial incremental revenue from innovation.
GATHER INSIGHT - We use powerful tools to identify customer needs; evaluate competitors; Identify disruptive technologies and evaluate your current internal environment.
DEFINE APPROACHES AND GOVERNANCE - CEVOH and Your Teams will help create an “Innovation Culture” for the organization.
DEVELOP IDEAS (IDEATION) - We bring innovative ideas. And we create structured ideation sessions and virtual processes to result in a large number of relevant new products/services in both the adjacent and transformational areas.
TURN IDEAS INTO REAL, VIABLE CONCEPTS - We develop tempered concepts from mild ideas. These include features/benefits, visuals, elevator pitches and unique selling propositions.
GRADE AND FILTER TO FOCUS - We utilize proven systems to prioritize concepts and match these to utilize limited internal resources.
COMMERCIALIZE and GENERATE BUILD/BUY ANALYSIS - We are always on the lookout to find viable M&A prospects, and we build powerful Go-To-Market action plans to accelerate the adjacent and transformational incremental revenue within the portfolio.